Selective GK Questions of World History

Rajesh Bhatia3 years ago 25.8K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
world history gk
Here is the selective and important World History GK Question with answers on General Knowledge for all types of competitive exams. These world history GK questions have been asked in competitive exams and there are chances to ask again in competitive exams. So these world history GK questions are for your practice. 

World History GK Questions

Question 1: In which year, Alexander the Great become the king of Macedonia
1. 336 BC 
2. 323 BC 
3. 350 BC 
4. 200 BC 

Ans .  1

Question 2: The European renaissance started from which country
1. England 
2. French 
3. Italy 
4. Greece 

Ans .  3

Question 3: The Battle of Waterloo was fought in the year
1. 1800 
2. 1805 
3. 1807 
4. 1815 

Ans .  4

Question 4: On which island of French, Napoleon was born
1. Saint Helena 
2. Corsica 
3. Elba 
4. Operon 

Ans .  2

Question 5: In which year America got independence
1. 1760 
2. 1776 
3. 1780 
4. 1782 

Ans .  2

Question 6: Who is known as the Artist of the world-famous painting 'Mona Lisa'
1. Filippo Brunelleschi 
2. Michelangelo 
3. Vincent van Gogh 
4. Leonardo da Vinci 

Ans .  4

Question 7: Who was the king during the French revolution
1. Napoleon 
2. Louis XV 
3. Louis XVI 
4. Charles IX 

Ans .  3

Question 8: The Hundred Years' War (from 1337 to 1453) was fought between
1. England and French 
2. Germany and Russia 
3. America and Argentina 
4. England and Germany 

Ans .  1

Question 9: Queen Elizabeth I of England belongs to which dynasty
1. Stuart 
2. York 
3. Tudor 
4. Normandy 

Ans .  3

Question 10: 'Boston Tea Party' protest was associated with the revolution of
1. America 
2. Italy 
3. French 
4. India 

Ans .  1

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    Rajesh Bhatia

    A Writer, Teacher and GK Expert. I am an M.A. & M.Ed. in English Literature and Political Science. I am highly keen and passionate about reading Indian History. Also, I like to mentor students about how to prepare for a competitive examination. Share your concerns with me by comment box. Also, you can ask anything at

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