Mathematical Series Questions for Competitive Exams

Vikram Singh2 years ago 147.7K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
mathematical series questions
Q :  

The ratio of two numbers is 5 : 11. If both numbers are increased by 10, the ratio becomes 7 : 13. What is the sum of the two numbers?

(A) 80

(B) 32

(C) 48

(D) 160

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

The ratio of the sides of a triangle is $$ {1\over2}$$: $$ {1\over3}$$: $$ {1\over4}$$ and its perimeter is 104 cm. is. What is the length of the longest arm?

(A) 52 cm

(B) 48 cm

(C) 44 cm

(D) 40 cm

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

The ratio of the students of one school is 3: 5 with the students of the other school, if in the first school there were 50 students more and in the second there were 80 students less then the ratio would be 5: 6. Find the total number of students in both schools.

(A) 600

(B) 800

(C) 400

(D) 250

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

If A: B=3: 4, B:C =2:3 then what is the value of A +B: B+C: C+A?

(A) 5 :6 :7

(B) 7 : 10 : 9

(C) 7 : 5: 6

(D) 3 : 4 : 6

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

A is 40% less than B, and C is 40% of the sum of A and B. The difference between A and B is what percentage of C?

(A) 64 %

(B) 62.5 %

(C) 60.5 %

(D) 60%

Correct Answer : B
Explanation :

The Ratio will be A: B :C=60 : 100 : 64

Then 40/64*100=62.5%

Q :  

If one number is 50 percent less than X and the other numbers are 20 percent less than X. What is the ratio of both the numbers?

(A) 5 : 8

(B) 2 : 3

(C) 3 : 8

(D) 3 : 5

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

The ratio of incomes of A and B is 3:5, whereas the ratio of their expenditures is 4:7 respectively. If A and B save Rs. 16,000 and Rs. 26,000 respectively, then what is the different between their expenditures?

(A) 5400

(B) 6800

(C) 5000

(D) 6000

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

A number is divided into three parts such that three times of the first part, six times of the second part and eight times the third part are equals to each other. If the first part is Rs. 1600, what is the third part?

(A) 450

(B) 600

(C) 750

(D) 900

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

If Rs 1380 is divided into A, B and C in such a way that A gets 5 times B's share and 3 times C's share. Then what is the value of C parts?

(A) Rs. 300

(B) Rs.600

(C) Rs.900

(D) Rs.180

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

The ratio of two number is 3 :5 . If 6 added to both the number then ratio become 2 :3 then find out the number?

(A) 21 and 35

(B) 30 and 50

(C) 24 and 40

(D) 18 and 30

Correct Answer : D

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