Comparison Type Questions for Competitive Exams - Verbal Reasoning

Vikram Singh3 years ago 9.3K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
comparison type questions
In comparison type questions, a student has to understand the comparison in a question and have to answer from the given options. Here you can practice with these types of questions and boost up your performance in the competitive exams through the solutions of these questions as well. So let's start practice. To continue the practice of the verbal reasoning section, you can click on Ranking Test Verbal Reasoning Questions which helps to get a good rank in competitive exams.

Comparison Type Questions with Solutions

Q.1. (i). Seven students P, Q, R, S, T, U and V take a series of tests.

(ii). No two students get similar marks.

(iii). V always scores more than P.

(iv). P always scores more than Q.

(v). Each time either R scores the highest and T gets the least, or alternatively S scores the highest and U or Q scores the least.

If R is ranked second and Q is ranked fifth, which of the following must be true?

(A) T is ranked sixth.

(B) S is ranked third.

(C) V is ranked fourth.

(D) P is ranked sixth.

(E) U is ranked sixth.


Ans .   A

In terms of scores, we have :

V > P, P > Q   i.e. V > P > Q.

If R scores the highest, we have R > ...... > T,

If S scores the highest, we have S > ...... > Q or S > ...... > U.

If R is ranked second, S will rank first and Q and U lowest. But Q ranks fifth. So, U ranks lowest. Also the order V > P > Q will be followed.

So ,the arrangement will be S > R > V > P > Q > ? > U. Thus, the sixth place will be occupied by T.

Q.2. Five children were administered psychological tests to know their intellectual levels. In the report, psychologists pointed out that the child A is less intelligent than the child B. The child C is less intelligent than the child D. The child B is less intelligent than the child C and child A is more intelligent than the child E. Which child is the most intelligent?

(A) B

(B) A

(C) E

(D) D

Ans .   D

We have sequence : A < B, C< D, B < C and E < A. So, the sequence becomes : E < A < B < C < D. Clearly, child D is the most intelligent.

Q.3. (i). Seven students P, Q, R, S, T, U and V take a series of tests.

(ii). No two students get similar marks.

(iii). V always scores more than P.

(iv). P always scores more than Q.

(v). Each time either R scores the highest and T gets the least, or alternatively S scores the highest and U or Q scores the least.

If S is ranked second, which of the following can be true ?

(A) V gets more than S.

(B) U gets more than V.

(C) P gets more than V.

(D) P gets more than R.

(E) T gets more than Q.

Ans .   B

In terms of scores, we have :

V > P, P > Q   i.e. V > P > Q.

If R scores the highest, we have R > ...... > T,

If S scores the highest, we have S > ...... > Q or S > ...... > U.

If S ranks second, R ranks first and T ranks lowest. The order V > P > Q will be followed. So, the arrangement will be R > S > ? > ? > ? > ? > T.

Clearly, statements (a), (c), (d) and (e) cannot follow. So, the answer is (b).

Q.4. If (i) P is taller than Q ; 

(ii) R is shorter tan P; 

(iii) S is taller than T but shorter than Q, then who among them is the tallest?

(A) Q

(B) P

(C) T

(D) S

(E) Can`t be determined

Ans .   B

In terms of height, we have: Q < P, R < P, T < S, S < Q. So, the sequence becomes: T < S < Q < R < P or T < S < R < Q < P. Whichever may be the case, P is the tallest.

Q.5. (i). Seven students P, Q, R, S, T, U and V take a series of tests.

(ii). No two students get similar marks.

(iii). V always scores more than P.

(iv). P always scores more than Q.

(v). Each time either R scores the highest and T gets the least, or alternatively S scores the highest and U or Q scores the least.

If V is ranked fifth, which of the following must be true?

(A) R is ranked second.

(B) S scores the highest.

(C) Q is ranked fourth.

(D) T is ranked third.

(E) U scores the least.

Ans .   B

In terms of scores, we have:

V > P, P > Q i.e. V > P > Q.

If R scores the highest, we have R > ...... > T,

If S scores the highest, we have S > ...... > Q or S > ...... > U.

If V ranks fifth, P and Q coming before it will occupy sixth and seventh places respectively i.e. Q ranks least. So, S will score the highest.

Q.6. Among five boys, Vineet is taller than Manick, but not as tall as Ravi. Jacob is taller than Dilip but shorter than Manick. Who is the tallest in their group?

(A) Manick

(B) Ravi

(C) dilip

(D) Vineet

(E) None of these

Ans .   B

In terms of height, we have: Manick < Vineet, Vineet < Ravi, Dilip < Jacob, Jacob < Manick. So, the sequence becomes: Dillip < Jacob < Manick < Vineet < Ravi. Clearly, Ravi is the tallest.

Q.7. (i). A, B, C, D, E and F are six students in a class.

(ii). B and C are shorter than F but heavier than A.

(iii). D is heavier than B and taller than C.

(iv). E is shorter than D but taller than F.

(v). F is heavier than D.

(vi). A is shorter than E but taller than F.

Who among them is the tallest?

(A) B

(B) A

(C) E

(D) D

(E) None of these

Ans .   D

In terms of height, we have :

B < F, C < F, C < D, E < D, F < E, A < E, F < A.

So, C < F <  E < D, B < F, F < A < E

Thus, the sequence becomes :

B < C < F < A < E < D or C < B < F < A < E < D.

In terms of weight, we have :

A < B, A < C, B < D, D < F.

So, A < B < D < F, A < C.

Thus, the sequence becomes :

A < C < B < D < F or A < B < C < D < F or A < B < D < C < F.

Clearly, D is the tallest.

Q.8. Five boys participated in a competition. Rohit was ranked lower than Sanjay. Vikas was ranked higher than Dinesh. Kamal`s rank was between Rohit and Vikas. Who was ranked highest?

(A) Vikas

(B) Sanjay

(C) Kamal

(D) Dinesh

(E) None of These

Ans .   B

In terms of rank, we have : Rohit < Sanjay, Dinesh < Vikas. Since Kamal`s rank is between Rohit and Vikas, the sequence becomes : Dinesh < Vikas < Kamal < Rohit < Sanjay. Clearly, Sanjay was ranked highest.

Q.9. (i). A, B, C, D, E and F are six students in a class.

(ii). B and C are shorter than F but heavier than A.

(iii). D is heavier than B and taller than C.

(iv). E is shorter than D but taller than F.

(v). F is heavier than D.

(vi). A is shorter than E but taller than F.

Who is third from the top when they are arranged in descending order of height?

(A) B

(B) A

(C) E

(D) C

(E) None of these

Ans .   B

In terms of height, we have :

B < F, C < F, C < D, E < D, F < E, A < E, F < A.

So, C < F <  E < D, B < F, F < A < E

Thus, the sequence becomes :

B < C < F < A < E < D or C < B < F < A < E < D.

In terms of weight, we have :

A < B, A < C, B < D, D < F.

So, A < B < D < F, A < C.

Thus, the sequence becomes :

A < C < B < D < F or A < B < C < D < F or A < B < D < C < F.

The descending order of height is : D > E > A > F > B > C or D > E > A > F > C > B.Clearly, A is third from the top.

Q.10. (i). Seven students P, Q, R, S,  T, U and V take a series of tests.

(ii). No two students get similar marks.

(iii). V always scores more than P.

(iv). P always scores more than Q.

(v). Each time either R scores the highest and T gets the least, or alternatively S scores the highest and U or Q scores the least.

If R gets most, V should be ranked not lower than :

(A) third

(B) second

(C) fifth

(D) fourth

(E) sixth

Ans .   D

In terms of scores, we have :

V > P, P > Q   i.e. V > P > Q.

If R scores the highest, we have R > ...... > T,

If S scores the highest, we have S > ...... > Q or S > ...... > U.

Again, if R ranks most, T ranks lowest and occupies seventh place. Since V always rank above P and Q, so in the maximum, P and Q will occupy fifth and sixth places. Thus, V will not rank lower than fourth.

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Vikram Singh

Providing knowledgable questions of Reasoning and Aptitude for the competitive exams.

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