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Very Important Common GK Quiz

2 years ago 1.6K Views
Q :  

The ancestor of the man who first walked upright on two legs?

(A) Peking Human

(B) Javanese apes

(C) Australopithecus

(D) none of these

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

The prehistoric man who used fire for the first time was probably?

(A) Javanese apes

(B) Peking Human

(C) Cro-Magnon

(D) Neanderthal

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

What of the following is not correctly matched?

(A) Raigarh-Arpa

(B) Durg-Shivnath

(C) Rajim-Mahanadi

(D) Jagdalpur-Indravati

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

The recent ancestor of modern man is?

(A) Cro-Magnon human

(B) Java Human

(C) Peking Human

(D) Neanderthal human

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

What does the Pre-Paleonic period refer to?

(A) subhuman

(B) Prehistoric man

(C) Tribal Human

(D) Modern Man

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

Which principle explains “repetition of caste cycle in the life cycle”?

(A) Mutationism

(B) Natural selectionism

(C) Repetition principle

(D) genetics

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

What is the most concrete evidence of evolution?

(A) Comparative Structure

(B) fossils

(C) residual organs

(D) none of these

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

In which branch of science is the amalgamation of geology and zoology?

(A) Zoological Geography

(B) Archeology

(C) Sociology

(D) Paleontology

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

The animal which was probably first domesticated by humans was?

(A) Horse

(B) Pig

(C) Cow

(D) dog

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

Were dinosaurs?

(A) Mesozoic Reptiles

(B) Cenozoic Reptiles

(C) Mesozoic Birds

(D) none of these

Correct Answer : A

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