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Science GK Quiz Questions for Practice

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Q :  

The amount of buoyancy obtained by a solid partially or fully immersed in a liquid depends on?

(A) on the amount of liquid displaced by the solid

(B) on the weight of the solid

(C) on the mass of the solid

(D) none of these

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

The reason why a needle floats on top of the water is?

(A) Surface tension

(B) Adhesion

(C) Cohesion

(D) Capillarity

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

What is the reason for the spherical shape of a liquid drop?

(A) Viscosity

(B) Light Load

(C) Surface Tension

(D) Atmospheric Pressure

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

The working principle of the washing machine is?

(A) Sub-Centre

(B) Diffusion

(C) Centrifugation

(D) Dialysis

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

An iron needle sinks in water but a ship floats, on what principle is this based?

(A) Pascal's principle

(B) Principle of Archimedes

(C) Law of Gravitation

(D) None of these

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

What is the end product of glycolysis?

(A) Ethyl Alcohol

(B) Carbon Dioxide

(C) Pyruvic Acid

(D) Glucose

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

Lysosomes are known as suicide bags because of their _.

(A) Protolytic Enzyme

(B) parasitic Nucleus

(C) Hydrolytic Enzyme

(D) Phagocytic Cctivity

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

Due to the presence of which of the following, animal cells and plant cells differ?

(A) Ribosome

(B) Cell Wall

(C) Chloroplast

(D) Protoplasm

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

Bricks in a building are like _ in living beings.

(A) Cells

(B) Tissues

(C) Organs

(D) Glands

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

Which of the following is not present in adult stomata?

(A) Cytoplasm

(B) Chloroplast

(C) Cell Wall

(D) Vacuole

Correct Answer : A

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