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RPSC GK Questions 2019-20 for Competitive Exams

5 years ago 13.6K Views
Q :  

If Reserve Bank of India reduces the cash reserve ratio, it will :

(A) increase credit creation

(B) decrease credit creation

(C) have no impact on credit creation

(D) have no definite impact on credit creation

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

In a cut motion, when the amount of demand is reduced by Rs 100/- , it is known as

(A) Disapproval of policy cut

(B) Economy cut

(C) Vote on Account

(D) Token cut

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

Which Writ is issued by a High Court or the Supreme Court to compel an authority to perform a function that it was not performing? 

(A) Writ of Certiorari

(B) Writ of Habeas Corpus

(C) Writ of Mandamus

(D) Writ of Quo Warranto

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

A federal structure for India was first put forward by the: 

(A) Act of 1909

(B) Act of 1919

(C) Act of 1935

(D) Act of 1947

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

Which writ in Latin means do we command?  

(A) Certiorari

(B) Mandamus

(C) Habeas Corpus

(D) Quo Warranto

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

What was the exact constitutional position of the Indian Republic when the Constitution was brought into force with effect from 26th January, 1950?  

(A) A Democratic Republic

(B) A Sovereign Democratic Republic

(C) A Sovereign Secular Democratic Republic

(D) A Sovereign Secular Socialist Democratic Republic

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

What is the period within which a proclamation of national emergency made by the President is to be placed before each house of the Parliament for approval? 

(A) Within one month

(B) within two months

(C) within four months

(D) within six months

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

Who among the following are not appointed by the President of India?  

(A) Governors of States

(B) Chief Justice and Judges of High Court

(C) Vice - President

(D) Chief Justice and Judges of Supreme Court

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

The Bills that cannot be returned by the President to the Parliament for reconsideration are:  

(A) Government's Bill and Money Bill

(B) Private members ' Bill and Government ' s Bill

(C) Money Bill and Constitutional Amendment Bill

(D) Ordinary Bill and Money Bill

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

The Lok Sabha consists of:  

(A) 550 members, out of which 530 are from states, 18 from Union Territories and 2 nominated from Anglo-Indian community .

(B) 552 members, out of which 530 are from states, 20 from Union Territories and 2 nominated from Anglo - Indian community .

(C) 250 members , out of which 238 are elected members and 12 nominated by President.

(D) 255 members, out of which 240 are elected members and 15 nominated by President.

Correct Answer : B

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