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Reet Exam Related Questions 2022

2 years ago 1.6K Views

If you are preparing for REET exam then the you need to practice their questions and here are the REET Questions provided which will help you to in your success in the exam. In this blog, have contain all the questions asked in previous years. 

Also you can visit for some free mock tests to make your preparation. This REET Online Test develops an understanding for a candidate to keep up with the practice. These mocks provide a detailed view of the exam pattern along with the exam. So let's start your practice below -

Reet Exam Related Questions and Answers

Q :  

In a progressive classroom - 

(A) a teacher should follow fixed curriculum.

(B) the emphasis should be on competition among students.

(C) ample opportunities should be provided for Iconstruction of knowledge.

(D) students should be labelled on the basis of their academic scores.

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

A child is average in intelligence, higher in achievement motivation, low in creativity and just average in social development, this is an example of- 

(A) Inter Individual difference

(B) Intra Individual difference

(C) Measurable Individual difference

(D) Observably Individual difference

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

Which one of the following statement is correct about the development of the child?

(A) Development is only result of hereditary.

(B) Development is not a continuous process.

(C) Rate of development is similar in male and female child.

(D) Development general to specific.

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

The effect of fundamental tendency gives power?

(A) the behavior of the child

(B) development of the child

(C) development of the individual

(D) the behavior of the person

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

The theory of learning propounded by Pavlov is

(A) multifunction

(B) partial verb

(C) customized response

(D) Self-realization

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

Social behavior can be taught to the child?

(A) by costume

(B) Various social activities

(C) by physical movements

(D) from the curriculum

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

The main law of learning of Thorndike is not?

(A) Rule of Practice

(B) Law of readiness

(C) Law of Consequence

(D) Law of analogy

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

We do not help a sad person even after seeing him, is it?

(A) Active empathy

(B) passive empathy

(C) Positive Empathy

(D) Negative empathy

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

Does earned motivation come under?

(A) compulsion of habit

(B) Life goals and attitudes

(C) Addiction


Correct Answer : C

Q :  

When knowledge is acquired by seeing or touching an object, then it is called learning?

(A) Perceptual learning

(B) cognitive learning

(C) associative learning

(D) learning by doing

Correct Answer : A

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