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Teaching Psychology GK Questions

2 years ago 2.2K Views
Q :  

Where did William Wundt set up the first psychological laboratory in the year 1879?

(A) Leipzig Germany

(B) Australia

(C) America

(D) Kolkata

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

Who is called the father of experimental psychology?

(A) Watson

(B) William Wound

(C) guilford

(D) thomson

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

What did the philosophers of the Middle Ages describe psychology?

(A) science of behavior

(B) science of consciousness

(C) brain science

(D) science of Brain

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

Who has the statement "Education is the process by which the behavior of an individual is changed"?

(A) Pillsbury

(B) brown

(C) skinner

(D) crow and crow

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

Who said "Psychology does not belong to those who call the science of the soul"?

(A) Aristotle

(B) Plato

(C) Descarte

(D) William James

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

Whose statement is this "Modern education is concerned with the welfare of both the individual and the society"?

(A) dumville

(B) friendsson

(C) yulich

(D) reborn

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

Where was the psychology laboratory first established in India?

(A) Calcutta University

(B) Delhi University

(C) Allahabad University

(D) none of these

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

How many objectives "Kali" has given to education psychology?

(A) 7

(B) 8

(C) 9

(D) 10

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

Father of cognitive movement - 

(A) Herman Rorsha

(B) Albert Bandura

(C) Kohler

(D) Pavlov

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

Who has called psychology the science of mind or brain?

(A) pompo nazi

(B) William James

(C) James Ali

(D) Watson

Correct Answer : A


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