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GK Questions on Indus Valley Civilization

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GK Questions 

Q.21 Out of the following remains excavated in Indus Valley, which one indicates the commercial and economic development:

A). Pottery 

B). Seals

C). Boats   

D). Houses

Ans .  B

Q.22 The Indus Valley Civilization was discovered in:

A). 1902     

B). 1921

C). 1922    

D). 1932

Ans .  B

Q.23 Which of the following is / are Indus Valley site/s in India? 

1. Rangpur 

2. Banwali 


4. Lamgirpur

A). 1 and 4 

B). 1, 2 and 3

C). 1, 2 and 4      

D). 1, 2, 3 and 4

Ans .  C

Q.24 Match the following:

A. Practice of fire cult 1. Lothal

B. Lower town fortified 2. Kalibangan

C. Great Bath 3. Mohenjodaro

D. Granary 4. Haraappa

E. Shipbuilding 5. Surkotada 

Below options are given in A B C D E order

A). 1 2 3 4 5        

B). 5 4 3 2 1

C). 2 5 3 4 1        

D). 5 3 4 2 1

Ans .  C

Q.25 Use of plough has been evidenced at:

A). Kalibangan    

B). Lothal

C). Harappa        

D). Banwali

Ans .  A

Q.26 Which of the following crops were grown by the people of the Indus Valley Civilization

1. Wheat 

2. Barley

3. Cotton

4. Peas

A). 1, 2 and 4      

B). 1, 2, 3 and 4

C). 1 and 2 

D). 1, 2 and 3

Ans .  B

Q.27 Which of the following items and the place of their discovery is wrongly matched?

(1) Statuette of a bearded man - Mohenjodaro

(2) Rice husks - Lothal

(3) Fire pits and altars - Harappa

(4) Bead-makers shop - Chanhu-daro

(5) Fossil remains of a horse - Surkotda

A). 3  

B). 2

C). 1 

D). 1 and 5

Ans .  A

Q.28 Match the following:

Harappan Site State

A. Kalibangan 1. Punjab

B. Mohenjodaro 2. Rajasthan

C. Rangpur 3. Gujarat 

D. Surkotda 4. Sind

A). 2 1 3 4  

B). 2 4 1 3

C). 3 4 2 1  

D). 4 2 1 3

Ans .  B

Q.29 From the scattered skeletal remains of the Harappans found at different sites, the most appropriate conclusion to be drawn would be that there was:

A). mass execution      

B). casual burial of human bodies

C). some kind of military assault    

D). great epidemic

Ans .  D

Q.30 The Harappans extensively used burnt bricks because:

I. Stone was not available

II. They provide defence against floods

III. They provide security and longevity

IV. Its import was easy

A). I and II only   

B). I, II and III only

C). II and III only 

D). all of the above

Ans .  C

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