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GK History Questions and Answers

3 years ago 3.8K Views
Q :  

Gita Govinda was written by: 

(A) Jayasimha

(B) Jayachandra

(C) Jayant

(D) Jayadeva

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

The largest number of Hindu Mansabdars were in the period of: 

(A) Shahjahan

(B) Aurangzeb

(C) Akbar

(D) Jahangir

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

Who was the father of Civil Service? 

(A) Lord William Bentinck

(B) Lord Cornwallis

(C) Lord Minto

(D) Lord Wellesley

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

Who prohibited Sati?

(A) Warren hastings

(B) Lord Wellesley

(C) Lord William Bentinck

(D) Lord Dalhouside

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

The Sultans of which dynasty ruled for the longest time?

(A) Khilji dynasty

(B) Tughlug dynasty

(C) Slave dynasty

(D) Lodi dynasty

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

In the Gupta period the largest number of coins were issued in 

(A) Gold

(B) Silver

(C) Copper

(D) Iron

Correct Answer : A

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