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GK Current Affairs Questions 2021 - March 22

3 years ago 1.8K Views
Q :  

MA Gautam has been appointed as the new Director General?

(A) National Security Guard

(B) Rajya Sabha

(C) Lok Sabha

(D) National University

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

Recently, what position has India got in the World Happiness Report 2021 released?

(A) 134th

(B) 139th

(C) 143rd

(D) 146th

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

Recently, 'Samiya Suluhu Hasan' became the first woman President of which country?

(A) Kenya

(B) Brazil

(C) Netherlands

(D) Tanzania

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

Recently, former President of which country 'John Magufuli' has died at the age of 61?

(A) Tanzania

(B) Nigeria

(C) Kenya

(D) Ethiopia

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

Who has recently become the new Director General of National Security Guard (NSG)?

(A) SK Manjhi

(B) MA Ganapathy

(C) Ramesh Agarwal

(D) Sitaram Chopra

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

Recently, the famous person 'Lou Otenes' has passed away, he invented …….

(A) Internet

(B) audio cassette

(C) Tubelight

(D) electric motor

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

Where is the headquarters of Inter Parliamentary Union-IPU located?

(A) Geneva

(B) Morris

(C) Morris

(D) Canada

Correct Answer : A


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