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General Knowledge Quiz with Answers for SSC and Bank Exam

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Here is the selective General Knowledge quiz with answers for banks exam and SSC. These question of General Knowledge Quiz have been asked in competitive exams and there are chances to ask again in other competitive exams.

Practice with General Knowledge Quiz with Answers for better results in exams. Try to solve General Knowledge Quiz yourself with the help of answers and check your performance. All the best.


These questions of general knowledge quiz with answers are very important like other blog as Basic GK Quiz.

Q.1 Who was the first man into space?

(A) Yuri Gagarin

(B) Charles Guglin

(C) Toy Charles

(D) Ronaldo

Ans .  A

Q.2 What is the IMF description?

(A) International Monetary Fund

(B) International Maturity Fund

(C) Indian Monetary Fund

(D) Indian Meturit Fund

Ans .  A

Q.3 Which car company makes the Celica?

(A) Toyota

(B) Maruti

(C) Hyundai

(D) Ford

Ans .  A

Q.4 Who discovered first the blood circulation?

(A) William Harvey

(B) Charles Guglin

(C) Toy Charles

(D) Ronaldo

Ans .  A

Q.5 Who won an Oscar for best supporting actor in Spartacus 1960?

(A) Peter Ustinov

(B) Charles Geglin

(C) Toy Chalres

(D) Ronaldo

Ans .  A

Q.6 In 1885 who was the President of Congress?

(A) W.C.Barinerji

(B) Charles Geglin

(C) Toy Chalres

(D) Ronaldo

Ans .  A

Q.7 National Right Day is observe on?

(A) 10th December

(B) 11th December

(C) 12th December

(D) 14th December

Ans .  A

Q.8 For how many years is Sheep able to breed?

(A) 10 years

(B) 11 years

(C) 12 years

(D) 15 years

Ans .  A

Q.9 Where was the venue of Olympic 2014?

(A) Athens

(B) India

(C) Russia

(D) Japan

Ans .  A

Q.10 Where and when was World Meteorological Organization established?

(A) Geneva – 1978

(B) Athens 1978

(C) Russia 1978

(D) India 1978

Ans .  A

Q.11 Why pendulum clocks of slow in the summers?

Ans: The length of the pendulum increases for summers.

Q.12  Goal of extension education is what?

Ans: To promote scientific outlook.

Q.13 The Indian Home Rule Society in London, was started by whom?

Ans: Shyamji Krishna Verma

(B) Atal Bihari Bajpai

(C) Rajiv Gandhi

(D) Pranab Mukherjee

Ans .  A

Q.14 In eye donation which part of donor’s eye is utilized?

Ans: Cornea.

Q.15 The Indian Constitution provides for the appointment of ad hoc judges in the?

Ans: Supreme Court.

Q.16 Which city hosted the 1980 Olympic Games?

Ans: Moscow.

Q.17 At which US nuclear plant did a nuclear accident occur in 1979?

Ans: Three Mile Island.

Q.18 Which is the world’s largest dry desert?

Ans: Sahara.

Q.19 Which is the world’s second largest desert?

Ans: Australian.

Q.20 In which athletics event did Bob Beamon hold the world record for 23 years?

Ans: Long jump.

Q.21 What is the best conductor of electricity?

Ans: Salt water.

Q.22 What is the average salinity of seawater?

Ans: 3.5%.

Q.24 What is the function of heavy water in a nuclear reactor?

Ans: Slow down the speed of neutrons.

Q.25 Who laid the foundation of nuclear science in the country?

Ans: Homi J. Bhabha.

Q.26 The filament of an electric bulb is made of which metal?

Ans: Tungsten.

Q.27 Which part of the cell is essential for protein synthesis?

Ans: Ribosomes.

Q.28 Which is purest form of iron?

Ans: Wrought iron.

Q.29 The Government of India has decided to declare river as ‘National River’?

Ans: Ganga.

Q.30 Who was a contemporary of Alexander, the Great?

Ans: Chandragupta Maurya.

Q.31 By whom was the first republic of the world established in Vaishali?

Ans: Lichhavi.

Q32. Which was the most famous educational centre during the period of Mauryan age?

Ans: Taxila.

Q.34 In which state was the Nalanda University located in India?

Ans: Bihar.

Q35. Which Veda contains an account of magical charms and spells?

Ans:  Atharvaveda.

Q.36 By which was Yavanika (Curtain) introduced in Indian theatre?

Ans: Greeks.

Q.37 Which is called ‘The Bible of Tamil Land’?

Ans: Kural.

Q.38 Samudragupta has been given the title of ‘Indian Napoleon’ by which historian?

Ans: V. A. Smith.

Q.39 In which century did the famous Chinese pilgrim Fa Hien visit India?

Ans: 5th century AD.

Q.40 Who was the last ruler of the Tughlaq dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate?

Ans: Mahmud Shah Tughlaq.

Q.41 Who founded four mathas in the four comers of India?

Ans: Shankaracharya.

Q.42 Bhakti Tukaram was a contemporary of which Mughal emperor?

Ans: Jahangir.

Q.43 Who was the most radia of the Bhakti Saints?

Ans: Kabir.

Q.44 Which region of India was ruled by Sultan Zainul Abidin?

Ans: Kashmir.

Q.45 Kirchhoff’s voltage law is based on the law of conservation of which thing?

Ans: Energy.

Q.46 Two electron beams are traveling parallel to each other. What will be their reactions?

Ans: Repel each other.

Q.47 Why is energy is continuously generated in the sun?

Ans: Due to nuclear fusion.

Q.48 For electroplating a spoon, it is placed in the voltameter at which postion?

Ans: The position of cathode.

Q.49 Which rays will deflect in electric field?

Ans: Cathode rays.

Q.50 The refractive index of a given piece of transparent quartz is greatest for which light?

Ans: Violet light.

Q.51 The absorption of radio waves by the atmosphere depends on which thing?

Ans: Their frequency.

Q.52 Which asset can be mortgaged?

Ans: Land and Building.

Q.53 Credit Cards are known by which another name?

Ans: Plastic money.

Q.54 What is the name of cheque when a bank returns unpaid?

Ans: Dishonor of the cheque.

Q.55 What is the mean of NEFT?

Ans: National Electronic Funds Transfer system.

This post general knowledge quiz with answers is very important for competitive exams. Do practice of these questions for better result.

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