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Q :  National Small Savings Fund is a part of which among the following?

(A) Consolidated Fund of India

(B) Public Account of India

(C) Contingency fund of India

(D) Prime Minister's Relief Fund

Correct Answer : B

Q :  The minimum interest rate of a bank below which it is not viable to lend, is known as ____:

(A) Reserved Rate

(B) Base Rate

(C) Marginal Rate

(D) Prime Lending Rate

Correct Answer : B

Q :  The Laffer curve is the graphical representation of :

(A) The relationship between tax rates and absolute revenue these rates generate for the government.

(B) The inverse relationship between the rate of unemployment and the rate of inflation in an economy.

(C) The inequality in income distribution

(D) The relationship between environmental quality and economic development.

Correct Answer : A

Q :  What is the upper limit of transaction of amount via NEFT to a person in Nepal via the Indo-Nepal Remittance Facility Scheme?

(A) Rs. 50,000

(B) Rs. 100,000

(C) Rs. 200,000

(D) Rs. 500,000

Correct Answer : A

Q :  Devaluation of currency can correct a Balance of Payments deficit because___

(A) It lowers price of exports in foreign currency and rises price of imports in home currency

(B) It raises price of exports in foreign currency and lowers price of imports in home currency

(C) It raises price of exports and imports in foreign currency

(D) It lowers price of exports and imports in home currency

Correct Answer : A

Q :  Round tripping is used as a ___?

(A) Policy to boost FDI in country

(B) Means of tax evasion

(C) Policy of export promotion

(D) Calculation of National Income

Correct Answer : B

Q :  What is the share of Government of India in NABARD?

(A) 50%

(B) 51%

(C) 75%

(D) 99%

Correct Answer : D

Q :  In which year Food Safety and Standards Act was enacted in India?

(A) 2004

(B) 2005

(C) 2006

(D) 2007

Correct Answer : C

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