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English GK Questions and Answers

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General Knowledge Questions

Q.19 Name the Indian Shooter who won Gold Medal in Asian Air Gun Championship which was held at New Delhi?

(A)  Ayonika Paul

(B)  Abhinav Bindra

(C)  Anjali Bhagwat

(D) Apurvi Chandela

Ans .  B

Q.20 Which country has imposed Vehicle Curbs due to the fuel shortage?

(A)  Thailand

(B)  Myanmar

(C)  Bangladesh

(D) Nepal

Ans .  D

Q.21 The first Buddhist Council was held in the reign of

(A)  Ajatashatru

(B)  Ashoka

(C)  Kanishka

(D)  Bimbisara

Ans .  A

Q.22 Lord Buddha was born in

(A)  Vaishali

(B)  Pataliputra

(C)  Lumbini

(D)  Bodh Gaya

Ans .  C

Q.23 The largest grant of villages to temples and brahmana was given by the ruling dynasty known as

(A)  The Palas

(B)  The Guptas

(C)  Pratiharas

(D)  Rashtrakutas

Ans .  B

Q.24 Adigranth is the religious book of

(A)  Parsis

(B)  Sikhs

(C)  Hindus

(D)  Buddhists

Ans .  B

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