100 Computer Questions and Answers for Practice

100 Computer Questions and Answers for Practice
Q :  

Which of the following is a scientific computing language?


(B) Basic

(C) Pascal


Correct Answer : D

Q :  

What is the high-level computer language similar to the English language?

(A) C++


(C) Pascal


Correct Answer : B

Q :  

Which language is applicable to all computers?

(A) COBOL language

(B) Fortran language

(C) Machine language

(D) Basic language

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

What is the operating system called Unix specially used for?

(A) Laptop computer

(B) Desktop computer

(C) Super computer

(D) Web servers

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

Which of the following is a machine-independent program?

(A) Low level language

(B) High level language

(C) Assemble language

(D) Machine language

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

What does machine language use?

(A) English language code

(B) Numeric code

(C) Java language

(D) All of these

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

Which of the following is the largest unit of storage?

(A) KB

(B) TB

(C) MB

(D) GB

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

How many options are there in one byte?

(A) 64

(B) 16

(C) 8

(D) 512

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

How many bytes makeup one kilobyte?

(A) 4096

(B) 1024

(C) 612

(D) None of these

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

What is the method of storing letters and symbols in bytes called?

(A) Alpha System

(B) Number System

(C) Byte System

(D) Coding system

Correct Answer : D

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    Rajesh Bhatia

    A Writer, Teacher and GK Expert. I am an M.A. & M.Ed. in English Literature and Political Science. I am highly keen and passionate about reading Indian History. Also, I like to mentor students about how to prepare for a competitive examination. Share your concerns with me by comment box. Also, you can ask anything at linkedin.com/in/rajesh-bhatia-7395a015b/.

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