MCQ on MS Access Questions and Answers for Bank Exams and Interview

Vikram Singh4 years ago 26.5K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
ms access questions and answers

Mcq Questions and Answers of MS Access

Q.21. In SQL the statement select*from R, S is equivalent to

(A) Select * from R natural join S

(B) Select * from R cross join S

(C) Select * from R union join S

(D) Select * from R inner join S

Ans .   A

Q.22. Which of the following is not a consequence of concurrent operations?

(A) Lost update problem

(B) Update anomaly

(C) unrepeatable read.

(D) Dirty read

Ans .   B

Q.23.As per equivalence rules for query transformation, selection operation distributes over.

(A) Union

(B) Intersection

(C) Set difference

(D) All of the above

Ans .   D

Q.24. The metadata is created by the 

(A) DML compiler

(B) DML pre-processor

(C) DDL interpreter

(D) Query interpreter

Ans .   C

Q.25. When an E-R diagram is mapped to tables, the representation is redundant for 

(A) Weak entity sets

(B) Weak relationship

(C) strong entity sets

(D) strong relationship

Ans .   B

Q.26. When R CS = f, then the cost of computing R><S is 

(A) the same as R × S

(B) greater the R × S

(C) less than R × S

(D) Cannot say anything

Ans .   A

Q.27. In SQL the word ‘natural’ can be used with

(A) inner join

(B) full outer join

(C) right outer join

(D) all of the above

Ans .   A

Q.28. The default level of consistency in SQL is 

(A) repeatable read

(B) read committed

(C) read uncommitted

(D) serializable

Ans .   D

Q.29. if a transaction T has obtained an exclusive lock on item Q, then T can

(A) read Q

(B) write Q

(C) both read and write Q

(D) write Q but not read Q

Ans .   C

Q.30. Shadow paging has 

(A) no redo

(B) no undo

(C) redo but no undo

(D) neither redo nor undo

Ans .   A

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