Input and Output System (Objective Type Question for Competitive Exams) (Part B)

Rajesh Bhatia6 years ago 1.5K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
Input and Output System

Q.31 Large computer system typically uses.

(A) dot-matrix printers

(B) daisy wheel printers

(C) ink jet printers

(D) line printers

Ans .  D

Q.32 Which of the following printers, are you sure will not be used if your objective is to print on multi carbon forms?

(A) daisy wheel

(B) cot-matrix

(C) laser

(D) thimble

Ans .  C

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Q.33 Which of the following is not part of CRT?

(A) phosphorous screen

(B) shadow mask

(C) electron gun

(D) gas plasma

Ans .  D

Q.34 Which of the following does not affect the resolution of a video display image?

(A) bandwidth

(B) raster scan rate

(C) vertical and horizontal lines of resolution

(D) screen size

Ans .  D

Q.35 Which of the following is used to produce high quality graphics (hard copy) in color?

(A) RGB monitor

(B) plotter

(C) ink jet printer

(D) laser printer

Ans .  B

Q.36 The terminal device that functions as a cash register computer terminal, and OCR reader is ……

(A) video display terminal

(B) OCR register terminal

(C) data collection terminal

(D) POS terminal

Ans .  C

Q.37 The technique designed to support the effective access of microfilmed data is ……

(A) micro fiche retrieval


(C) micrographics

(D) all of these

Ans .  C

Q.38 An impact printer that uses an interchangeable, rotating printing unit for hard copy output is …….

(A) terminal printer

(B) wire-matrix printer

(C) drum printer

(D) daisy wheel printer

Ans .  D

Q.39 Which of the following printing devices provide an output composed of a series of dots?

(A) coir-matrix printer

(B) band printer

(C) Wang image printer

(D) either (A) or (C)

Ans .  D

Q.40 Which of the following terminals output most closely resembles the output produced by a plotter?

 (A) graphics terminal

(B) POS terminal

(C) hard copy terminals

(D) all of these

Ans .  A

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    Rajesh Bhatia

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