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National Birds of Different Countries for Competitive Exams

4 years ago 9.1K Views

National Birds

11. Armenia - Golden Eagle/Aquila chrysaetos

12. Belgium - Kestrel/Falco tinnunculus

13. Croatia - Nightingale/Luscinia megarhynchos

14. Finland - Whooper Swan/Cygnus Cygnus

15. France - Gallic Rooster/Gallus gallus

16. Germany - White Stork/Ciconia ciconia

17. Greece - Little Owl/Athene noctua

18. Iceland - Gyrfalcon/Falco rusticolus

19. Ireland - Lapwing/Vanellus vanellus

20. Norway - Dipper/Cinclus cinclus

If you have any problem or doubt regarding List of National Birds of different countries, you can ask me in the comment section. To more practice for List of National Birds, Visit next page. 

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