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Coded Relation Questions with Answers

3 years ago 6.9K Views
Q :  

In a certain code DATE is written as 904, then how can SOME be written in that code?

(A) 2474

(B) 1564

(C) 2708

(D) 2609

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

If A =1 and OAR = 34, then ROAR =? 

(A) 52

(B) 53

(C) 51

(D) 50

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

If SUN is coded as NUS and TOP is coded as POT, then which is the last letter in the code for the word FUR?

(A) R

(B) E

(C) F

(D) U

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

If a certain code TEACHER is written as VGCEJGT, how would STUDENT be written in the same code?





Correct Answer : D

Q :  

If ‘god is fair’ = ‘ge se fa’, ‘who is god’= ‘ge we fa’ and ‘you are god’ = ‘ne le fa’, which code does represent ‘is’?

(A) se

(B) ge

(C) fa

(D) we

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

In a certain code language, "BAD" is written as "7" and "SAP" is written as "9". How is "BAN" written in that code language?

(A) 4

(B) 3

(C) 8

(D) 6

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

In a code language, BLUE in written as 4244210 and BODY is written as 430850. How will CALM be written as in that language?

(A) 621426

(B) 622226

(C) 622426

(D) 622446

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

If KINGS is coded as RFMHJ, then how will you code QUEEN? 





Correct Answer : D

Q :  

In the certain code 'COVALENT' is written as 'DPWBMFOU'. How would 'SILVERED' be written in that code?





Correct Answer : D

Q :  

In a certain code language, "ARMS" is written as "5467" and "LIAR" is written as "1254". How is "SMALL" written in that code language?

(A) 76521

(B) 76512

(C) 76511

(D) 76544

Correct Answer : C

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